Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer work is hard (and satisfying) work

We wanted to share some pictures of some of the hard work that many of our volunteers are engaged in this summer. So first, before we invite you to join in on the fun any given Saturday in August, please enjoy the following slideshow + thanks:
Pepi Acebo, Steve Wyda, Mikah Pinegar and Damen Aitken already hard at work early in the morning
Timbersong Academy weeding our grounds...
...and, those same, outstanding young ladies, working our boards... fact, these girls have been volunteering all school year, every Saturday. Proud of how we have grown together!
Pepi, Matt and Shannon putting their heads together
Ms. Paige and her lovely son Charlie working in our Culinary Herb Garden... see the baby basil?
Exhibit A: One of our most ardent staff volunteers, working a sander (with precision, mind you!)
Exhibit B: Beautiful boards, glazed to perfection. Maestro Acebo, I think this first run was a success!
Not pictured, unfortunately (mostly due to the fact that they were toiling away in other corners of the campus) is Xandria Birk and her crew of tree waterers. These trees need water badly, and this team of people might easily be called the most unsung of all Dickson garden heroes!

Now, for the work-help invitiation... Joan says:

#1 On Saturdays in August (9:30-noon) we're making tables at school. Timbersong's team of young ladies will be helping, so please come join us! Pepi (dedicated parent, woodcraftsperson) is leading this project...

#2 Related to this, Pepi needs folks to come to his shop and help cut (rip) boards, on any given weekday you might be available. Contact Joan (find her email on the sidebar) and she can help you coordinate!

If you have a few hours this week -- or next, or any of these Saturdays coming up -- then join us!

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