Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Stirring up in spring

Is it OK to declare the present time as spring? It certainly feels that way... all kinds of things are pushing forth with a vigor unheard of in winter...

We work to help the greenhouse, counting seeds!
Start with an empty container, and then do volume calculations

Of course, final volume doesn't get there without a fight :) 
With a set amount of water and a starting height, we can best understand gravitational potential energy, forces, and motion

But certainly we should give it the most interesting path possible :)

There's a reward to all our experimentation, that is continually springing forth (and being tasted)!

Eleanor Underhill, a local musician with an interest in community involvement, helps us make fun guerrilla gardener 'grenades' -- made from clay, seeds and soil

Ms. Sizemore's class has been playing around with trying to be as crafty as birds (in caring for their young!)

A special seedling-starting party, to help give the demonstration food plot / CEA a strong footing!
I've never been more excited about the growing season as I am this year. Let us achieve something that doesn't simply enrich the academic experience of the young people at Dickson... let us realize something that touches both the local community AND a select group of parents and teachers focused on local, sustainable enterprise and social justice!!! =)

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