Saturday, February 4, 2017

Upcoming February garden work day... AND, do you want to be an 'official sponsor' of our upcoming community garden?

Helping to prepare one of many delicious quiches, for the winter show!
In our first post of 2017, I wanted to let you know that we are having another garden workday in a couple of weeks. What degree of action is employed in a typical garden workday? Look at my last blog post for a hopefully compelling visual record :) Plus, there's real good food at the end! Please click on the flyer image to enlarge / see details (thanks, Steve Agan, for putting this together):
Also, a quick shout-out to Asheville Mulch Yard and Southern States Cooperative... one supplied the new wood mulch (that replaced the re-purposed rubber) on the Dickson front-and-center playground AND promised us some donated goodies in return, while the other offered us a series of 100-gallon galvanized planters at a very generous discount. The plan, as Joan explains it, is that IDES teachers will use the planters (plus donated potting soil) to realize their very own little 'mini-gardens' this coming spring. Imagine such delight, right outside every classroom... what an awesome vision, Joan and Brad!

In summary: Plan to come on out, IDES garden fans, on Saturday the 18th -- as we build on the substantial improvements (and revelry) that we enjoyed in December!

Everybody must meet a worm!
Finally, as the operations manager for the 'Demonstration Food Garden' -- a working vegetable plot that we plan to do on the west end of the garden space -- I wanted to let you all know that we have begun seeking 'official sponsors.' Our hope is to get one dozen individuals to commit to ensure that we have all the supplies we need to BOTH 1) grow a substantial amount of seasonal, organic produce for our students/teachers to learn/teach from, and... 2) have a substantial weekly surplus, to be used to help educate and enrich the communities that neighbor IDES about the healthy, financially sustainable, and uniquely satisfying nature of enjoying food grown right in one's 'backyard.' =)

Lovely goodies donated by Roots and Annie's, for the winter show
If you are interested in being a part of this alternative, inclusive form of Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA), then please contact me (Mr. Mikulski) directly at for more details. Please include a phone number in your email, so I can respond to you by phone!
Coming soon... courtesy of a long, unbroken chain of goodwill and kindness (see and for glimpses of that original, fertile soil :)
As usual, I'm 100% looking forward to showing you more of what we're 'sprouting,' and very soon :)

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